Friday 29 July 2022

Worst Advice We've Ever Heard From Service Lift Manufacturers

It can be hard to know who to trust when it comes to getting a service lift for your business. After all, there are so many manufacturers and suppliers out there, all promising the world. But not all of them are worth your time – in fact, some of them might even give you bad advice! So, if you're looking for a service lift, be sure to avoid these 10 worst pieces of advice from Service LiftManufacturers in Mumbai:

1. You don't need a licence to operate a service lift :This is one of the biggest myths out there when it comes to service lifts. Many people believe that because a service lift doesn't require an engineer to operate it, they don't need a licence. But this isn't true – you still need a licence from your local council to operate a service lift.

2. A service lift is just for carrying goods: A service lift can be used for more than just carrying goods – in fact, it can be used for transporting people as well. So if you're looking for a way to transport staff or customers between floors, a service lift is the perfect solution.

3. You don't need any safety features on your service lift : Another common misconception about service lifts is that they don't need any safety features. But this isn't true – all service lifts should have safety features installed, such as emergency stop buttons and floor indicators.

4. You don't need insurance for your service lift :Just like any other piece of equipment in your business, you need insurance for your service lift. If something goes wrong with the lift, you'll want to be sure that you're covered financially.

5. A service lift is too expensive for small businesses :Service lifts don't have to be expensive – in fact, there are many affordable options available. So if you're a small business, don't let the cost of a service lift stop you from getting one.

6. You can install a service lift yourself:While it is possible to install a service lift yourself, it's not recommended. It's best to leave the installation to the professionals, as they will be able to do it safely and efficiently.

7. You don't need to test your service lift :It's important to test your service lift regularly, to ensure that it's functioning properly. If you don't test it, you could end up with a faulty lift that's not safe to use.

8. You can't use a service lift in a residential building:While most service lifts are designed for commercial use, there are some models that can be used in residential buildings as well. So if you're looking for a way to transport residents between floors, a service lift is the perfect solution.

9. You don't need any permits for your service lift:Just like any other piece of equipment in your business, you need permits for your service lift. This is to ensure that the lift meets all of the safety standards and regulations in your area.

10. A service lift is just a luxury item :A service lift isn't a luxury item – it's a necessary piece of equipment for any business. Without a service lift, you'll be limited in what you can do with your premises.

So, if you're looking for a service lift, be sure to avoid these 10 worst pieces of advice from Service Lift Manufacturers in Mumbai. Instead, consult with a reputable supplier who can help you choose the right lift for your business. 

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